Wind power is an increasingly important alternative for obtaining energy supplies, both in large\ninterconnected power systems and in smaller hybrid systems and even in backup systems. The\ntemporal and spatial variability of the winds represent an obstacle to be overcome so that wind\nenergy can be increasingly used. The capacity factor of wind farms shows how this variability impacts\nthe operation of the plants and its value is of the order of 30% to 35%. The variability of the\nwind speed is influenced if the point of interest is on land or on sea, the shape of the surface, the\nproximity of water bodies, among other factors. The availability of wind is best described by the\nWeibull probability distribution, which has as one of its defining parameters one which is termed\nas shape parameter. This parameter is much higher as higher is the variability of the wind speed.\nThis paper studies the subtle influence of Weibull shape parameter on the optimal combination of\ncomponents in a wind diesel hybrid system, by means of computer simulations with the well\nknown software Homer. The results indicate a relatively small influence (as expected) in the studied\nsystem, which appears particularly when the cost of diesel is higher and the availability of\nwind is lower.